
What is Ding?


Phrase commonly used in online RPGs to signifiy gaining one level of experience.

<gain enough xp to level up>

You: ding!

p1: grats

p2: gratz

p3: wo0t!

p4: WTG!!!!11

p5: wtg

p6: woot

pronunciation: ding (as the word is)


A term used in MMORPGs to signify the achievement of a new level of experience of one's character. This term was defined in the smash hit EverQuest, as the sound generated upon gaining a level sounded as a bell.

The concept trickled down to other MMO's as well, but few actually know the true origin of the word.

Me: Ding 60 8)

Other: Gratz. (congratulations)

Other2: w00t gratz.

Other3: Noice gratz.

Me: ty 8)


A small dent in my car caused by some cretin opening his car door into me. Could also be caused by a kid pushing an overloaded shopping cart through the parking lot.

Goddamnit! Lookit that frigging DING. I'll kill the bastard.


The word 'Ding' is a gaming word for the phrase 'I levelled up'.

'Ding' messages are usually reserved for friends, or your members of your guild- as people in the general chat show hostility to your level-up.

May appear from time to time as part of another word; eg. 'Ding Dong', 'Ding-a-ling'. etc.

Feelings of joy and happiness usually surround this word, increasing in intensity with higher levelled 'dings'.

Me 'Ding!' ... Friend 'Grats!' ... GZ

'Gary Coleman, I'm only three bars away from a ding'

'I'm going to get my ding then log'

See ding, grats, gz, log, level


A commonly used exclamation in MMORPGs to declare that you've gained a level. Started in EverQuest because whenever you gained a level, it made a loud "ding" noise.

<1337d00d> ding!

<Harrybalz> gratz

<swolb ynos> gratz


an exclamation that means "that's what she said," which is used to bring to attention sexual innuendo in a seemingly innocent statement. Most used in school and work settings where "that's what she said" would be conspicuous and inappropriate.

guy #1: It didn't work, it was too big and didn't fit.

guy #2: Ding.

See that's what she said, innuendo, sex, school, conversation, epicurean


1. the act of being knocked the hell out

2. the act of being the victim of a "one hitter quiter"

1. -watching a UFC bout and Chuck Liddel knock outs his opponent- DING BITCH!!!!

2. -watching Fight Quest, Kajukenbo, and Doug fighting his sparring fight head kicks his opponent and sends his ass to the ground- DING!!!!!

See ding, knock out, mma


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