
What is Dinnae?


Scottish slang for "did not"

"Dinnae say sorry, you dinnae do nothing wrong."


also scottish (fife) slang for "i dont"

I dinnae ken whit ye mean (I dont know what you mean)

See Big Chief



eh dinnae ken whit yir gaein on aboot

See dundonian, scots, old, dundee


Means Don't this is a correction of the other word in this dictionary who say 'Scottish' people use the word when it is atcually Edinburghians (people from Edinburgh, Scotland) who use this word. It is usually accompanied by 'ken' meaning know also used by Edinburghians not Glaswegian's.

I dinnae ken! Meaning I don't know!

See scottish, edinburgh, glasgow, dinnae, dinny, ken, likes, scotland


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