Dino Run

What is Dino Run?


everything said in the previous definition, but with a multiplayer feature that is a bit more complex and much more fun. Multiplayer is ridiculously easy to make a profile for, you need only an original username. The multiplayer version has 3 tabbed servers, the most popular being stoneyville. The other servers are dinocentral; which is essentially an overflow for stoney, and Bonedocks; which is infested with those who have been banished there by the mods and hacks for excessively roleplaying, ie: wolves. This multiplayer version allows players to create and name races, and run them with up to 3 other participants. Points are earned for completing races, in amounts corresponding to the place you earned in said race. You usually earn around 5-10 points per race. New courses, colours, and hats are earned by leveling up. The levels of players range from 1-10. Within the chat ive met people ages 8-30, but in general, players are around 14yrs old. The busiest time in chat is probably around 4:00pm pacific time. The Australians and europeans tend to come on around 8pm pacific time. Within chat there are players from around the world. You can add players in the chat to your friend list, or blocklist(which makes their posts invisable to you). You can also private message other players. In the entire chat there are about 20 users with moderating capabilites, bestowed upon them by the pixeljam admins. You never know when they'll be on or who they are unless they say. These players can warn and boot others, thus regulating the chat. General chat rules: keep it pg13, dont spam, and dont be offensive. Some mods are more lenient than others. There is also a filter in the chat, swapping out naughty words like 'fuck, shit, piss, cunt, bitch, dick, pussy, whore' etc.. for dino-themed words like 'bonk, dirt, oil, hole, ditch, dactyl, eggnest, and hardosaurus.' There are a small number of players (not to be named here) that are neargods within the chat(by way of superior hacking and programming knowledge). These players are capable of invisablity(not being on the list), booting, banning, seeing and recording ips, changing scores, and creating bots among other things. Some notable bots created by these players are: !ilu, !push, !pull, !boom, !8ball, and Borgy. to make the bots react, a user only needs type the trigger, examples: !pull and bot RR (russian roullete) will speak saying your name and wether you died or not. the odds are 1/5. if you do die, it says BOOM! and logs you out of chat. !push triggers piano, which will then speak saying 'piano: *falls on 'randomchatmember'*. !boom is suicide. !ilu causes a stream of giant pink hearts to flood the chat, saying "'yournamehere' wuvs you c:!!!" Borgy is the most complicated bot, posing as an unbootable player, he is a learning chatbot. He posts strung together portions of chat he's observed based on what players say and keywords. A couple other simple but ingenious bots are !chuck, which gives a random chuck norris joke; !snakes, to which samuel l jackson replies 'not on this plane'; and !madness, to which a spartan replies 'THIS. IS. DINORUN!!" The bots are only active when their respective creators are online or leave them running. The game also has a forum for users to discuss, make suggestions, and give collective opinions. The multiplayer version of dinorun is only unenjoyable if you suck or are a chatroom/social fail. dinorunFTW

tim: "omigod sally, have you played dino run?"

sally: "yeh fool! that shits weaksauce after like 5min."

tim: "nah skronk, you gotta try the multiplayer!"

sally: "why? you wanna get pwned on salty flats? :P

tim: "pfft yehfershureLOL. nah but fer realzies, make a login cause chats hellafun too. my name is timmysaurus."

sally: ":/ okei. LULz, how original."

See games, chat, mod, skronk


A game created by PixelJam that can be addictive for some, and can only entertain others for a few minutes, who get bored of how repetitive the basic game is.

Some people get into the game and don't stop until they get all the hidden super eggs, milestones, and unlock all the hidden speed run levels and other unlockables. They never realize you have to actually pay real money for the brontosaurus egg, but they try anyway.

The interface is pixelated. One may recall playing games this pixelated back in the late 80s on their DOS prompt

The objective of the game is to play as a velociraptor and run away from the wave of doom, which is the apocalypse of dinosaurs, possibly a cloud of smoke and destruction in a shock wave caused by a meteorite. If done properly, you end up in an underground sanctuary completely closed off from the world with nothing to eat in it. No wonder the Velociraptor went extinct.

You can also play online, and after the race, you have the urge to type a text bubble that says "LOL UR NUB I KICKED UR ASS" but you can't, because there is no chat. Dinosaurs don't talk. They just jump on each others back.

"I was playing Dino Run today. I felt like opening my DOS-prompt and playing DOOM afterward..."

"My dinosaur in Dino Run is dressed like Megaman!"

See dino, run, xgen, dinosaurs


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