
What is Dipsudopolygayist?


The ultimate insult during an insult battle.

Di (dye) = Opposite (in this case the opposite of fake = real);

Psudo (sudo) = Fake (these two put together do nothing but make the word longer, but as most people know, the longer the insult the better);

Poly (...poly?) = Many (in this case implying he/she gets around);

Gay (Gai!!) = Gay (as in "Ur Gay LOL!!")

Ist (Is+t said like a german would) = One who is (in other words "Ur Gay LOL!!")

Insultist Contestant 1: "Your Gay!"

Insultist Contestant 2: "Your Mum/mom is Gay!"

Insultist Contestant 1: "Your Mum/mom is Polygay!"

Insultist Contestant 2: "Your Mum/mom is Dipsudopolygayist!"

Insultist Contestant 1: "Err..."

See gay, gai, homosexual, insult


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