
What is Dirk.diggler.?


Dirk.Diggler. is a famous poster mainly on the Cowboys board. He is well-liked and notorious for being the best Cowboys message board poster in the all of the land. Each day he graces the Dallas Cowboys ESPN Message Board with his presence and spreads words of wisdom to many Cowboys Fans worldwide.

Parents want their children to grow up and be just like Diggler.

Diggler owns a few individuals on the Cowboys board. WFrye and Algerald to name a few.

Diggler is also extremely good looking as evidenced by the GQ-like photos he posts of himself on his ESPN profile.

Dirk.Diggler. made WFrye out to look like a complete tool on March the 24th by putting on display his amazing understanding of the salary cap and exposing Frye for the half-wit that he truly is. Frye was royally bitch slapped on this day and has not recovered since.

See espn, message, board


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