Dirty Antonio

What is Dirty Antonio?


When a man fingers a woman in the ass and then inserts the glazed finger into the woman's mouth. If the woman is receptive, she will respond by sucking on the finger.

It is recommened to give the gift of Antonio to those you love, for he is the gift that will not be forgotten.

So, the other day my girlfriend questioned my love for her. I knew that when we made love that night, it had to be special. Nothing I could have done would have shown her the passion I feel for her, except for the Dirty Antonio.

With my finger deep inside her ass, I pleasured her while it got glazed with love chocolate. Then, to her surprise, I inserted the finger into her mouth. It was at that moment she met Antonio and discovered my love, for he showed her that it has no bounds. Thank you, Antonio.

See dirty sanchez, dirty rodriguez, finger, fingering, suck, sucking


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