What is Dirty Stache December?


The month after No Shave Novemberwhen you shave EVERYTHING but your dirty little mexi stache.

AKA (Mustache), (Moustache) or (Moustachio)

Italians and Spanish people (dirty little greaseballs),

and people named Ben have the best dirty staches and usually prevail as the winners of Dirty Stache December.

I am Italian and Ben, well Ben is just himself.

We have the best, most filthy mustaches and always compete against each other when Dirty Stache December comes around.

My mustache attracts girls because I am Italian and can give good mustache-rides. Ben just has a greasy mexi-stache and is gay. (so the girls avoid him)

See mustache, moustache, mexi stache, stache, december, dirty, greasy, could, rides


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