Dirty Third

What is Dirty Third?


The third coast, part of the South that has coastline on the Gulf of Mexico.

The dirty third roll candy, ya haters and ya hoes can't stand it.

See Paul Wall


Sometimes used as a synonym for the Dirty South; derived from the terms "Dirty South" and "Third Coast"

This ain't New York. This ain't L.A. This is the Dirty Third.

See dirty south, third coast, dirty dirty, south, southern


Its Simply.. Texas,

You know i rep da Dirty Third.

See texas, south, houston, dallas


For those who hate dirty started in Texas and those states that aint on the coast aint a part of the dirty 3rd and if you aint part of the dirty south you aint dirty 3rd

Fuck all you aints but i know you gonna hate but fuck you anyways


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