What is Dirtyjew?
Someone who makes a lot of money and then wont give raises to his long tenured employees that brought the money in.
Dirtyjews usually think their tough, but we all know they would drop like a rock in a fight.
Dirtyjews also yell a lot, they think this might make them seem scarier... but it doesn't.
David: How about that bonus you promised me?
Bob: Bonus? I didn't say that.
David: Dang it Bob, you're such a Dirtyjew!
Lunchbox: I've been working for you for 5 years without a raise now and we had a good strong year. How about it?
Bob: Well... business is slow right now... Just be happy you still have a job.
Lunchbox: Kiss my butt you Dirtyjew! You owe me that raise.