
What is Disabilitator?


One who has overcame their disability in one form or another. An individual with a disability who doesn't let the disability define them. One who has Achieved beyond the disability.

Disabilities,Disabled,Disabled achievers,Beyond limitations,

A Disabilitator never lets the disability hold them back.

See disabled, beyond, courage


One who has overcame their disability in one form or another. An individual with a disability who clearly doesn't let the disability define them. One who has Achieved beyond the disability.

Disabilities,Disabled,Disabled achievers,Beyond limitations,

A Disabilitator never lets the disability hold them back.

Today we had a disabilitator come and speak to our class about overcoming a disability.

All though history their disabilitators have shown us all that where their are disabilities, their are abilities as well.

See disabled, beyond, courage


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