Disney Story

What is Disney Story?


1- Story made for general audiences to believe that it has a happy ending, but in reality (which is hidden from them), the story actually ends in tradegy.

2- To lie to someone by making the real story seem good or happy, when in reality it´s something baaaaaaaad.


Pia: You know that movie that just came out?

Rithi: Yeah, Deerfield Beach High Musical! I love it, i has such a happy ending!

Pia: No it doesn´t, in the end the guy cheats on the girl and leaves!

Rithi: But it doesn´t show.

Pia: It does at the end of the credits.

Rithi: OH! No wonder…

Pia: That´s such a Disney Story…


Ian really told Raquel a Disney Story when he said he was moving to Alaska, but he actually just wanted to break up with her.

See fake, real, lie, disney, the little mermaid


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