
What is Dissertation?


An idea that was spawned from the evil nasty dissertation monsters to make students fail university and waste three years of their life and lots of money

I have a 15000 word dissertation to hand in, in less than 72 hours Argh !

See DirkDiggler


A large piece of work , mainly done in the wee hours of the morning whilst drinking loads of coffee. Generally in the 10k++ word range

I got a friggen disertation to do and the handin is in 72 hours my god!!


An April Fool's joke taken too far

(Teacher/Professor): Hey it would be an awsome April Fool's joke if we got them (students) to write 5000-15000 words on something completely pointless and make it worth half of their end result!

Other teacher/professor: yeah! omg that would be amazing let's call it a DISSERTATION...that'll get 'em

Then before you know it it becomes a compulsory aspect of your grade/degree

See student, professor, school, dissertation, essay


The last course in cooking school.

Don't eat my dissertation.


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