What is Dissociative Identity Disorder?


dissociative identity disorder or Multiple Personality Disorder

Rare condition indicated by the absence of a clear and comprehensive identity. two or more independent and distinct personality systems develop in the same individual.

NOT] ! " the pretense of having multiple personalities for the purpose of sucking attention and sympathy"-ignorant

dissociative identity disorder....the splitting off from conscious awareness and control of thoughts, feelings, memories, and other mental components in response to situations that are painful, disturbing, or somehow unacceptable to the person experiencing them

See identity, disorder, mental, multiple, personality


the pretense of having multiple personalities for the purpose of sucking attention and sympathy, blaming others for one's unhappiness, possibly obtaining disability income from the government, and denying responsibility for one's own life and fuck-ups.

On a graph of intelligence, psychiatrists and psychologists who believe in dissociative identity disorder are at the lowest end. Eitehr that, or they are on the high end on a scale of sociopathy (building practices based on the misery of others, with no regard for science).


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