
What is Dle?



Day Long Erection

I cant believe it - He sits at his desk with a DLE looking at porno sites.

Woohaa - I popped 4 viagras and had a DLE

I cant catch public transport with a DLE

See dle, day, long, erection


People from Oundle School. To be honest guys, does it really matter which school you go to, I myself used to be gay like this. But next year when we aren't at school any more what are you going to do? Claim that your better than someone because of the place you were educated?! I've been to Oundle and Oakham as a pupil, they are both different, but I had just as much fun at both. Now fill in the Chips on your shoulders and get over yourselves. Have a nice day, and good luck in the A-levels! Love Audley x x x

Public school rivalry. Who cares, find something better to do with your time! Like knobbing Mary Jane or studying.


people who go, or are associated with the filthy Oundle School

'I fcukin hate the 'dle, almost as much as i hate the ping'


fucking legends from oundle school, i wish i went to oundle so i could be like them. they are sooooo cool.

oakham are shit.

Patch foster


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