What is Dmn?
an abbreviations for da word "damn"
Dmn, yo ass got treated.
You so dmn stupid
DMN, which stands for Dallas Morning News, is Dallas, Texas' only official newspaper, known for its
The Dallas Observer, considered Dallas' "alternative" newspaper, is the only other newspaper who has a large enough readership that ever counters the DMN's racist overtones.
At one time Dallas used to have one other "official" newspaper, The Dallas Times Herald, but on December 8, 1991, The Belo corporation, who owns the DMN, bought the Dallas Time Herald and the next day, shut down the paper for its support of more liberal-leaning views, often highlighting crimes in the North Dallas area, enraging the more wealthy, white residents.
"Did you read the DMN today? Another shooting in Plano today! Man, I'm never goin' up there!"
1. Abriviation for "damian"
2. CS player that hacks,
dmn owned wyze-juwanna with theawp
wyze-hE_master was knifed by