
What is Dmt?


Rare, sought-after (by some) drug. Usually white/off-white crystalline powder. Related to a number of chemicals currently sold on the internet, however these are poor substitutes. The high can best be defined as a super-intense, half-hour trip. Subjectively it's " mental profile " is like that of mushrooms but is " visual profile " is like acid. The onset can best be defined as a psychedelic crack-rush. usually smoked in a glass pipe, smoke tastes like shit. Most often available in NorCal & Oregon from long-time heads.

Smoked some DMT. saw the elves. saw the mother-goddess creature-complex. saw the universe reduced to a tiny point of light. came back. crazy night.

See mike


Chem name: Di-Methyl Triptamine

A drug that it synthesized with certain plants and natural substances found throughout the world.

The drug is most commonly produced inside the human brain stem in the first 28 days of life as a baby. After that point, It is stored in the brain and is only released upon brain/body communication stating that the body is dead. The DMT is released throughout your brain and system, numbing pain, freeing the mind and drifting your subconscious off into the land of death.

This is why some people make claims to "Having seen the light at the end of the tunnel" or having an out of body experience.

When smoked, The trip usually lasts about 15-20 seconds (much like the lesser-extreme psychadelic, Salvia) but it seems like much more. The drug seperates the wall between your subconscious and conscious mind, Essentially causing you to dream while wide awake.

Upon "waking", you feel like a million bucks, better than any cocaine or MDMA you could ever find, Essentially, You are re-born.

Wild huh?

"Last night my friend and I did DMT, The room floated away from me while I flew into a giant lions mouth made of stars."


A harmless but extremely potent hallucinogenic drug.can be consumed intravenously or smoked,but it is usually smoked.The trip lasts about 15 minutes and it is easily the most amazing drug ever,however it is next to impossible to find.

no one sells DMT


Dimethyltryptamine. A chemical most often found in freebase form, extracting from naturally occuring, and legal, plants. Highly prized among users of psychedelic drugs, it is nearly impossible to find on the market, even among heavy users. Usually made for personal use, not retail. Onset is sudden, often within 30 seconds of the first inhale. The smoke is very harsh, tastes like plastic. Once the smoke is exhaled, the body starts to vibrate, though this is entirely mental. The user will then settle down into a very deep, dream-like atmosphere consisting almost entirely of complex geometric shapes. Often users comment that they have contact with alien entities during this period. The effects are very short, from 5 to 30 minutes depending on dose, though the afterglow is one of high euphoria often lasting as long as the trip itself. Naturally produced by the body, thought to be responsible for dreams and near-death experiences.

Last night I experiemnted with 60mg of DMT. I saw God. Good night.

Load universe into cannon. Aim at brain. Fire.

See dmt, space, elves, dimethyltryptamine, geometry


Correct defenition - a drug that is made inside of your body and gets released the moment you die. The chemicals are synthesized in a lab and sold for experimental use. It creates a very intense trip, in which you will "see the light" and feel as if you are dieing. The trip lasts under 10 mins, and is hands down the best body high you will ever feel.

That DMT was some crazy shit man! I'm never gonna be the same again...


Contrary to what most people are saying, the theory that it is released during death/NDEs/OBEs, etc is just a THEORY because present day ethics will not allow a living human brain to be opened and looked at for the presence of DMT.

DMT is the slang term for "Dimethyltryptamine" or "N,N-Dimethyltryptamine."

However, it is an intense psychedelic tryptamine endogenous to many animals/plants including humans. Average dosage is between 15-60mg and can be smoked/injected or if taken with an MAOI ingested orally. The experience can be described as loading the universe into a cannon and firing it at your brain. It's effects are short lived, lasting around 10 min, and completely done within the hour.


See dmt, dimitri, drugs, wow


intense, out of body experiancing molecule that will show you silhouettes of shoman. Indigenes beings, and complex patterns, tunnels and tunnels of complex patterns inside your brain. it will make you feel like youre not even a person anymore. youre just an energy and will show you a better way of life, if youre too scared to experiance the substance, i recommend something such as an isolation tank for a similiar experiance of finding different levels of consciousness.

i was rolling through tunnels of lights and patterns bouncing off the walls of my brain (on dmt). feeling as if someone else was growing inside of me pushing out of the top of my head and out of my arms

See trip, molecule, dmt


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