
What is D.o.?


Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

Person A: "Are you doctor...an M.D.?"

Person B: "Yes, I'm a doctor, but I'm a D.O.!"

See doctor, md, do, medicine


1. go crazy, to fight

2. to fuck a sexy female without her being a girlfriend

3. beat to death without a weapon (man-slaughter)

1. that girl went D.O. in the classroom

2. later on I'm going to take her to my house D.O. her

3. he got into a fight with his homie and straight D.Oed him

See fight, slaughter, fuck, love


<n> Deoderant.

Used by smelly kids so they don't get beat up.

When not used, shunning does occur.

See B.O.

Man #1: Dude, you need to get some D.O. for your B.O.!

See deoderant, teen spirit, pit stick, ban, shitpit


'Dick Out'. Typically occurs in Golf. This is the physical manifestation of 'eating crow' Talk shit about someone else's drive, then do worse yourself, you have to finish with your cock hanging out through the ol' trapdoor.

Eric made fun of his wife's drive, then dribbled his own drive halfway to the ladie's tee. The foursome waiting behind demanded he finish the course D.O.


See Tanner

See Drafting

D.O. Also known in some cases as F.O. (Fucked Over) means Do Over. This abbreviation is used in many Drafting assignments and sometimes projects. Depending on the quality of the project and whether or not is its to ANSI drafting standards you will get a D.O. on your project or assignment. Because of this many a person have failed Drafting. Thank you Tanner and have a nice day....

Tanner gave me a D.O. on my final project and my mom kicked my ass for failing the class....


1. verb, D.O. = "douche out" (circa 1967-8) - to become intoxicated to the point of passing out.. 2)noun, D.O. - a place or party where such intoxications occur 3) adjective - incapacitated lethargic, stuperous

Example: No, man. I'm just gonna sit 'round the house and D.O. with Valery or Xandy.

Hey man, you wanna get D.O.'d with us?

I'm too D.O.'d to drive.

I dunno, I Haven't gotten D.O.'d in almost a month. I'd better n.... Oh, what the hell.

This is gonna be a classic D.O.!


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