Do The Doo Doo

What is Do The Doo Doo?


1. To defecate

2. To sodomise someone whose rectum is not empty

1. She's been in the toilet 10 minutes - I think she's doing the doo doo

2. I don't care if she's not ready - next time she bends over I'm gonna jump on her and do the doo doo

See shit, dump, bugger, shitfuck


To do the worst thing possible given a certain situation.

John:You let Mike borrow your car? Are you crazy?

Joe:He said it was an emergency. Relax. As long as he doesn't do the doo doo he'll be fine.

It is assumed that Mike drives recklessly. He would do the doo doo if he drove drunk or was speeding.

See fuck up, screw up


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