Do What?

What is Do What??


A slang term used by southerners when they don't under stand what you just told them: (eg): "Someone should be calling you with an appointment within two business days." Billy Bob: "Do what, noww?"

eg): "Someone should be calling you with an appointment within two business days." Billy Bob: "Do what, noww?"

How are ya doing today?

"Do what?"

See missourah, git er done, y'all


1. a redneckresponse when one doesn't hear/understand what someone just said.

2. a reaction when surprised at someone's statement.

california boy: i'm totally stoked

redneck: do whaaat?

hot girl in bar- i was born a man

boy who just made out with hot girl- do what?

See huh?, what?


Huh, what, what'd you say?

Look at that tree over there.

Do what?

See what, huh, uh huh, duh, do


exclamation of surprise over something that has been said

Braden's gay? DO WHAT?????


What your totally burnt-out relative says after you tell them something. Someone who is so blank headed, they didnt understand/hear a word you said. So they just say "Do What?"


Girl 1 - Would you hand me the damn joint?!

Girl 2 - Ummmm, do what?


Girl 2 - Dude, that commercial was so deep, it raped my insides. Powerful.

Girl 2 - (Jerks her head to you) Do what?

See do what, do, what?


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