
What is Doa?



Your love life is doa..


1) Dead on Arrival

2) Abbreviated title of the popular fighting game Dead or Alivecreated by Tonobu Itagaki and developed by Team Ninja

3) Song by the rock band Foo Fighters. On the album In Your Honor.

1) Unfortunately the Virtual Boy was so retarded that it was DOA when it was released.

2) Kid1: Wanna come over and play some DoA with me?

Kid2: As long as I can be Kasumi

3) You know I did it

It's over and I feel fine

Nothing you can say's gonna change my mind

Waited and I waited the longest night

Nothing like the taste of sweet decline

I went down, I fell, I fell so fast.

Dropping like the grains in an hourglass

Never say forever, cause nothing lasts

Dancing with the bones to my buried past

Nevermind, there's nothing I can do

Bet your life there's something killing you

See dead or alive, foo fighters


Dead On Arrival

The poor bastard was DOA.


Short for Dead or Alive Most Popular From The Video Games Series of The Same Name

Lloyd:Wanna Play DOA4?


See ps3, dead, alive, doa, video game


Diminish On Approach - when someone appears to be good looking from a distance but when you see them close up they are a complete munter!

"oh, he looks cute... oh he's coming over! Abort! It's DOA! RUN!"

See minger, ugly, munter, foul, guff


DOA definition: Deep Oral Action. The act of taking a man's cock ball deep one's mouth.

DOA, he exclaimed! I'm not fucking dead but I do need some Deep Oral Action about now.

See oral sex, cock sucking, blow job, hummer


Department of Agriculture

The DOA is the Department of Agriculture



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