
What is Dodgeball?


A great game that quickly separates the strong from the weak, the boys from the girls, and the normal from the pussies.

The sole reason for showing up to elementary school gym class.

C'mon, kids! Let's get in some dodge ball before the liberal commie fags at the school board make us stop and hug each other for gym class.


Gym-class style sport where a bunch of kids get divided into two teams and throw approximately 6-10 playground balls at each other across the middle-line of a gymnasium (which may not be crossed) in an attempt to get each other "out". If a ball is thrown into another player without bouncing off of anything, that player is "out" unless they catch the ball, in which case the thrower is "out". Once a ball bounces, it is essentially out of play until thrown again. This game is now being outlawed in schools, in a consistent attempt on behalf of the government to make children weak, retarded, and liberal.

Dodgeball is too violent to be played in our schools! Doesn't anyone know that children are actually made of extremely brittle materials and should not be touched by ANYTHING?

See Al


1. A sport where "almost" nobody is seriously injured...

2. How I broke my foot

1. Hey, did you hear, Intramural Dodgeball is at the community center!

2. I was catching a dodgeball when I heard a snap, I knew I would never hear the end of this one.


A very good movie

also a game played in gym class which can cause injury or even DEATH poor kenny always dies

"If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball"

"If you can dodge traffic you can dodge a ball"

See Josh


the sole reason that middle school physical education was created

upon the creation of dodgeball came other games deriving from the root word, such as basketball and football, neither of which even compare in quality

kids wish class would last longer so they could play dodgeball for a longer time frame

See andrew


One if the best games ever invented, mabe PE worthwhile, should not have been banned just because a few weaklings complain when they are hit with a ball, stupid schools


A very fun game that is being outlawed ONLY IN AMERICA (thus creating one of the many reasons why Canada is better :D), because a bunch of liberal Americans want to have the USA's kids playing more football. It involves people set up into two teams, each getting a bunch of balls and throwing the balls at whoever is on their enemy team. If a person is hit at or below their groin, they are out(meaning they stop playing unless you are playing Revenge dodgeball, where players that are knocked out have a chance to get back in). However, most people (regardless of how accurate they are) have a difficult time accomplishing this, because anybody who's not a dumbass will do one of the following:

A. Keep an extra ball handy for blocking other balls, unless you are playing Time Catch dodgeball(where you can only hold a ball you catch for 3 seconds max or you are out).

B. Grab the ball(most common).

C. Pull off an uber-cool Matrix-style dodge and leave your opponent in tears.

The game of dodgeball has been modified into many different kinds of play, making it an extremely fun and versatile game. Also, it's ridiculously easy to set up and play.

1. Let's play dodgeball!


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