What is Doerty Peach?
Also spelt "Dörty Peatsch" by those with superior German keyboards.
It quite literally is supposed to be Dirty Peach with a heavy 'deitsche' accent.
Commonly used for a 'hur', or a badass, but can mean pretty much anything you would like it to. like a sex-slave.
Right, arrison?
Jiya: Arrison! You badass, you're such a *giggle* doerty peach!
Arrison:{as she takes a drag of her cigarellos} You think that's badass? Check out the tattoo I just got.
Eym sutsch a Bedäss!!!
::A long silence followed by the sound of crickets chirping in the background::
Jiya: Uhh, are those your pinky, fuzzy shackles on the bed?