What is Does This Make My Butt Look Big?


a term women use to find a reason to break up with their boyfriends, ismilar to terms, such as people changeand I'll think about it

by saying no, men imply that women are too skinny for their own good

by saying yes, they are insulting their grl and calling them fat.

by saying you look perfect, women infer that men are hesitant to answer meaning that they have no commitment to the relationship

FBMP: I <3 you

JT: Does This Make My butt look big?

FBMP: . . .


a term women use to give men no chance of winning

if we answer no then they are to skinny

if we say yes we are insulting them

best answers are

no your fat makes your bum look big in that


fuck this for a game of soldiers im going down the pub.


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