
What is Doggo?


a hot dog wrapped in a tortilla and microwaved. sometimes with cheddar cheese.

Mitch doesn't want to become white trash, yet he wraps up a hot dog in a tortilla, microwaves it, and calls it a doggo.

See sarc, nn2s, mitch clem, white trash


1. a loser who couldnt get a chick if his life depended on it.

2. someone with no purpose in the world

3. one ugly son of a bitch

Doggo is such a loser.

See himself


1. A SuPeR sExI FrEsHmEn SwEetHeArT oF A GuY tHat Any GiRl WuD bE lUcKy To HaVe.

2. No GiRl CaN kEeP HeR hAnDs OfF Of ThIs RaD SeXi BeAsT...(lIteRaLlY)

3. NOT AN matter how much he thinks he is!

4. My BeStEsT BuDdY EvR dunnO WhAt I wUd Do WiThOuT tHiS GuY... I HoPe Ur WeEk StArTs GoIn BetTeR!!

DoGgO is SuCh a RaD SeXi BeAst AnD WaY CoOlEr ThEn AnYoNe ElSeS PaRtY BuDdY!

See jamie


A HeCkA CoOl SeXi fReShMeN tHaT gIrLs CaNt KeEp ThEiR hAnDs OfF of!...

What a sexi loser thAT Doggo kid is.

See jamie


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