What is Domestic Rogering?
Rogering, in the case of a certain Johnathon, is the booty of delivering a five knuckle shuffler through to its crowning glory while staring at a lubricated man-boob, having typed the word 'men' into Google images. Domestic Rogering involves this practice, but in a harsher and more innapropriate environment- the home. Domestic Rogering should, in my opinion, and that of my many contemporaries, be punished by the inhumane and degrading treatment of removing the internet modem, thus rendering Google Images unoperative, and preventing Domestic Rogering taking place.
What this barbaric treatment will eventually do to the youth involved has yet to be experienced, since the Young Roger involved has since been provoked into simulating awful sex acts on another breed of animal, namely, allegedly, Mr Verity.
Domestic Rogering is sometimes accompanied by the humble, and often fruitless
Domestic Rogering is a barbaric practice that harms the unborn, the elderly, and more importantly, Key Stage 4 pupils at a specific Lincolnshire school. Rogering should be stamped out!
Roger, stop it!
Domestic Rogering involves the unexplainable and henious crime of exploiting the internet and other people to the benefit of your own specific and unsanitary needs, in the home.