
What is Dominican?


What we see depends on the angle we are standing.

I am dominican.

NOT all dominicans are campesinos, nor illiterate.

Like in any society there are schooled and not so lucky to be. Upper class, upper middle, middle and low. There are white people there, mix of black and white (generations of it...and not considered mulato in this case since it is not first generation) and black. There are lebanese descent, asian, etc..

Same mix there is in Cuba, Puerto Rico. There are more characteristics in one more than the other but bottom line is the same.

The lower class in countries like ours (that used to be colonies) tend to be darker for obvious reasons. The same happens in Central America and South but instead of black is indigenas. Same logic different race. The mixed always were middle class or at least that is how it started. And do not mean by this that mixed only exists in such.

Whoever is writting definitions about dominicans (whether dominican or not) is not very smart. Dominican indiosincracy is a little bit more complex than the rubbish they are writting here. Some things are true but it does not cover everyone. It does not cover me and people I know.

Maybe you should read a little bit more dominican history, maybe use the internet for better things than embarrass our nation.

It kills me to think that the only famous people any of you can think of is merengueros and baseball players. There are designers, doctors, in as much professionals that have placed the Dominican Republic up high. Obviously you are not interested in these things and that is why...whatever is inside of you(brain) will see on the one in front of you.

How to erradicate ignorance about dominicans

See dominicano, dominicana, dom, dr, rd, d


|OKAY GET READY-- it's the real definition, so clear your mind of all these fake definitions put up here by people that are just mad because deep down they wish they were dominican|... Latino from the Spanish speaking country known as the Dominican Republic. They are NOT Haitian and they are NOT Puerto Rican they are DOMINICAN. they are the kings/queens of bachata and merengue, and known for their dish (and song) platanos con salami. they are mixed with taino (indian), spanish (white), and black, just like the puerto ricans and cubans.

Dominicans (in general) are friendly, sexy, and love to party. The world is indebted to them for the best beer ever, Presidente.

See latino, platano, spanish


A Hispanic ethnic group. They look similar to Puerto ricans except they come in all shades. They're probably the nicest ethnic group of the Hispanic race. They're a very hyper people and like people of the Latino race, they're known to be hot-blooded and knife-wielding. Dominicans, like people of their own race and black race, some have a gangsta/ghetto mentality. They're favorite sport is baseball.

yo i'm dominican and proud. i'm proud 2 b born into tha latino race. all mah latinos stand up. gracias dios

See loco, dominican, latino, nyc, bloodz


Dominicans or Dominican Americans come from the Dominican Republic. This country shares its borders with Haiti. The Dominican Republic has rolling hills, and mountains. The chief export by far is sugar. Dominicans came to the U.S. because of economic hardships and because of the government. The Dominicans came here in the early 1980's and even more came in the 1990's. The Dominicans are relatively a new ethnic group. Since most are "campesinos", they lack education or skills. They also face language barriers and discrimination. 42% of all Dominicans don't know English well. 29% of Dominicans are on welfare. The more Dominicans that come here, the poorer they become as a group. They are also unusually younger than most immigrant groups. Many are illegal and fall under the poverty line. They are also plagued by high rents, unemployment, and stereotypes of drug-fueled crimes. Many Dominicans are working to combat these problems with associations. Despite their problems, Dominicans are very hard working. In Washington Heights, the Dominican expatriate capital, they have set up bodegas and cabs that compete with the yellow taxis. They have also set up bodegas, beauty salons, and restaurants throughout their barrios in New Jersey and New York. In New Jersey, Dominicans mainly settle in Paterson, Perth Amboy, or Union City. The vast majority of Dominicans have African blood in them. However society makes them seen only as Hispanic or Latino. Skin colors vary. Some have brown skin and others have skin almost as black as African Americans. 50% of all Dominican households are headed by women. The men do all they can to provide the family. Sometimes however some can't do that so they leave. Many Domincans work in construction, plumbing, repair, or as bodegueros. Women can't do this work so they are often cooks, or maids. So their children have to work harder in school. Another stereotype is that Dominicans are too lazy to learn English. This is not true. It's just that Domincans are often times working two or three jobs so they don't have the time. They have made great contributions in the field of baseball and music. Theri food consists of plantanos, yellow rice and beans, yuca, and beef. Over 95% of all Dominicans are strong Catholics.

Alex Rodriguez, Sammy Sosa, AZ, Fabolous, and several bachata singers and other baseball players are Dominicans.


a person from the eastern side of the island of hispaniola, the dominican republic; a SOVEREIGN nation who doesn't receive handouts.



Capital: Santo Domingo

See dominican, people, caribbean


Unlike many of these definitions which only go by the stereotypes, here's the real definition:

A person born in the Dominican Republic or of Dominican heritage.They are the result from a mix between Europeans, Africans, and Native Americans or Tainos. Usually criticized by many for their "annoying" ways to express nationalism. It bothers me how most people only see the surface. Ninety percent of the Dominicans who live in the US(mainly in New York City, Boston, New Jersey, Florida, and Connecticut) are from rural towns or very poor urban ghettos in the Dominican Republic, therefore most people think they are all ignorant hillbillies, but they're not. Not all of them are like that. Most people only acclaim Dominicans for their music (Merengue, Bachata, Salsa, and Dominican Hip-Hop), for their food, and for their great baseball players(A-Rod, Sosa, Martinez, Ramirez, etc). The Dominican Republic has made important achievements in agriculture, medicine, art, literature, politics, just to name a few. Its too bad most Dominicans in the US do nothing to change the perception most Americans have of them. One of the best examples of this is the New York City neighborhood Washington Heights, where the most ignorant, low life, mediocre, and uneducated Dominicans ever reside.

As somebody who's lived in both New York, and the Dominican Republic (Santo Domingo, its biggest and most important city) I can tell you their not all like that. Same goes to all immigrants who come to the US from poor environments in their native countries. Most are only the worst posible display their country has to offer.

Dominican 1: Yo KLOK manito was good?

Me: Can you speak in either english or spanish. Cut the Spanglish, its embarrassing.

Dominican 1: what you talkin about loco?

Me: Oh yeah and take that flag of your bookbag, it doesn't make you more Dominican, it just makes you look like a fucking retard. You wanna be Dominican, start by learning about your culture.

See black, urban, rural


*Someone who comes from the east side of the island of Hispanola (the Dominican Republic)

*Contrary to popular belief, Dominicans do not want to be Puerto Rican infact there is some type of hatred between the two races

*If you are a light skinned Dominican be ready to be confused by another race

*Most of the ones from NY come from villages or towns and think they are the best and give bad names to other Dominicans that come from their towns and are successful

*They like platanos, salami, rice, beans, spaghetti, mushrooms, butter toast, chicken (alot), guayava, chinola, and that durian looking fruit that does not stink and tastes sweet, and pomegranates too

*We talk really fast (I'm Dominican in case you didn't get that)

*Women own estiticas aka hair salons

*Coño is a commonly used word in the Dominican vocabulary

*Like with any other race you have the cool people and the assholes who think they are gangster and what not

*Can sometimes be confused with Filipino (believe me I know)

*rrrrrroll r's alot

*Not all Dominicans are dark skinned

*If born in the Dominican Republic they will remember watching "DBZ" and "Ranma 1/2" on TV and the one of all time "Caballeros del Zodiaco"

P1: Why don't you like Puerto Rican people?

Dominican: Because they don't say coño

Dominican: Hi my name is Lizbeth and I'm from the DR

P1: Really I thought you were Filipino

P2: yeah i thought you were black and white

P3: Do you eat salami and Plantains?

See dominicano, dominicana, salami


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