What is Donkey Bagging?
Giving a woman/man rough Anal Sex whilst sticking your fingers down his/her throat making them vomit the contractions will allow for a more pleasurable Deep Anal Drilling.
Jings Mrs Quim I heard Mr Fudge gave Missy Elliot a rough Donkey Bagging last night he is currently in the potting shed tryng to clean sick from his slip-ons
Giving a woman/man rough Anal Sex whilst sticking your fingers down his/her throat making them vomit the contractions will allow for a more pleasurable Deep Anal Drilling.
Crikey oh blimey Mrs harper-jones I heard Mr Pemberton Smythe gave Missy Elliot a rough Donkey Bagging last night he is currently in the potting shed tryng to clean sick from his slip-ons