Donkey Style

What is Donkey Style?


Anal intercourse performed from doggy style. A synonym of "donkey" is "ass", hence the connection.

"She was an animal in bed, so I figured she'd go donkey style."


1. Synonym for Doggy Style, when a man enters a woman while she is on all fours. The man can clearly differentiate Donkey Style from Doggy Style for his woman by releasing a loud "HEEE HAWW" when he comes.

2. Synonym for High School Sex, anal sex, taking it in the poop schute, etc. Donkey Style - Ass Style - Burro Style - they're all the same.

1. He bent her over and gave it to her Donkey Style!

2. Shawn: "Hey baby, you know I love you, won't you let me just stick it in once"

Samwise (blushing): "Shawn, We are only in high school, you know the rules."

Shawn: "I know, I'll do you Donkey Style, now spread your butt"


A sexual act wherein the adult male places luggage on the adult female's back before mounting her doggy style.

Ryan: "Hey Rico, have you seen my Sampsonite suitcase?"

Rico: "Oh yeah, I put it on my wife last night."

Ryan: "Nice! Donkey Style!"

Rico: "Yeah, Zazzy let's me do whatever I want on Friday nights."

Ryan: "TGIF, my man!"

Rico: "Desaint!" (See urban dictionary definition for "desaint")

See donkey, style


A word that was made up by accident when the Queen called a little fag "ass, and I mean Donkey Style." then regretted what she said because now the little fag boy wants to fuck her royal HIGHnASS.

person 1: I wanna do that guy Donkey Style!

person 2: I like the other one.

person 1: What? That pussy cunt over there?


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