What is Donkin?
Main Entry: don.kin
Pronunciation: “d&on-kin”
Function: intransitive verb
Inflected Form(s): -onk•ed; -onk•ing
Etymology: Late Latin donkaratus, past participle of donkare to waste
1 : to waste valuable resource(s)
2 : a state of mind where one disregards all obvious signs of valuable gain
3 : not taking a given opportunity to better oneself
4 : clear acts of stupidity
-“I can’t seem to find Fredrick, he is definitely missing out. The girls here are HOT”
-“Fred is donkin it…”
to be utterly retarded due to drugs or alcohol
Damn, John was donkin so bad this weekend that he puked in a garbage bag in the common room!
term of endearment. Such as honey or sweetie.
Oh donkin for apples. Oh donkin, why are you so good to me?