Door County

What is Door County?


A small County in Wisconsin where nothing happens and we get bombarded with retarded tourists every summer. These people are from Illinois mostly (pronounced Ellinoisss to make them mad) and buy lots of stuff and ask stupid questions. And yes we do have snoplows we arnt trapped inside all winter. Gibraltar dominates! woot

Dumb Tourists in Door County:

Whats the difference between chopped and whole cherry jam?

Is Washington Island really an island?

Why do the trees grow in straight rows? theyre orchards . . .

See wisconsin, tourists, illinois, dc


A loveable place for people to grow up and vacation throughout the year. The worst part of it, beyond the tourists is the people that reside in the county. These people (people that never leave the majority of these people barely graduate high school or drop-out) believe and live on DRAMA. They do not know how to function day to day without living with and engaging themselves in drama.

The only activity for the residents of the county is to consume alcohol, mostly either in a bar or in the middle of nowhere having a bonfire or what they may believe is a bonfire. It is common to arrive at high school each morning drunk.

The large majority of the residents are pedophiles, it is the goal of the female to become pregnant before the age of sixteen, normally with a male between the ages of 30 and 80. Also, most of the population is becoming inbred because of the previously noted factor.

Also, it is uncommon for people under the age of 30 to have a full-time job. These are the same people that have hand-full of children, not knowing who the paternal father may actually be.

Let's go to Door County, get drunk and make babies.

I am twenty-one years old, I think I may be the father of 17 children-(a current resident)

Let's go have a bonfire tonight, where, in the woods off Jorns Lane in the middle of nowhere.

See sturgeon bay, egg harbor, brussels, washington island


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