
What is Dorkzoiv?


a creature whom lives in dorkzoiv land. There are many species

Telegraphy:most terrifying

buttface:does NOT have a butt for a face but very long legs

normal:name says it all

old:hates young

young:hates old

There are much more but it is against the dorkzoiv law for me to tell you

the dark pit:if you fall in here you die

dorkzoiv transporter:transports dorkzoivs from island to island(you have a 99.99% chance of dying this way)

there are three main islands in the dorkzoiv world

dorkzoivisland,humanworld and buttface island (currently under construction)

a dilbird flys over the dorkoiv world once a year.If you give it scroot (known as dew in the english language) you get a mincepie and if you give it nothing you become dimwitted.

supermunnia is the dilbirds friend.she protects dorkzoiv world from evildoers.

WOW!i saw a young dorkzoiv there!

See me, you


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