
What is Dota?


Defence of the Ancients (called DOTA for short) is a custom game map created for the game Warcraft 3. Originally developed for Warcraft 3 : Reign of Chaos (and wildly popular) by Eul, the map was later ported onto Frozen Throne (the expansion pack for Warcraft 3), was released. Currently the most popular ports of DOTA are Allstars, CHAOS and Classic.

Clan Mota pwned last night


Stands for Defense of the Ancients. It was originally created by my brother, Eul, who quit mapping soon after and left the map for others to steal and take credit for. Those fags. Especially IceFrog, who made the "AllStars" version, currently the most popular version of DotA. The newest version is currently DotA AllStars 6.38b.

This Warcraft III mod has bred a new race of nerds. The DotA nerds, who host the games solely to gleefully kick anyone who has not downloaded the map and wished to download it. They are the ones who spam "omg NOOB" and "I just want one good game of DotA, please" in game. They are the ones that stain the rep of DotA. They are discouraging other DotA hopefuls to play the game with their faggish comments and emo attitudes.

New DotA Player: "Hi, can anyone tell me what this game is like?"


DotA Veteran(not a nerd): "Dude, just let him play. Whats wrong with you?"


2nd DotA Veteran(not a nerd): "What a fag." *leaves*

Nerd: "..." *sobs to himself and locks himself in closet and dies* lolz fag.

See dota, eul


DotA stands for Defence of the Ancients. Though was origonally created by Eul for Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, it was then brought into The Frozen Throne, and slowly became the most popular WCIII Custom map out there.

Right now, Icefrog has created DotA Allstars, the best and newest versions of DotA.

Though DotA is popular, about half the people on B like it, and half the others don't.

The game used to be awesome, but once ideas were being stolen from other maps, and all the players became 10 year old "n00bs" some people dislike it.

The majority of people who don't like it are mappers. Why, may you ask? Well, it's either because:

1) DotA stole their ideas


2) DotA whipes out any chance of their maps ever getting popular.


Though DotA is no longer at it's peek. DotA is slowing being played less and less, but very slowly.

That is because it does not change enough. You can play the map only so many times before it eventually has to get boring.

If you have any comments about this, simply post your own definition ^_^

"Let's go play DotA!"

See tft, roc, wc3


a warcraft 3 custom map, filled with idiots.

Host: okay ping looks good guys

Pro: gl hf

Game will start in 5 second

Game will start in 4 second

Game will start in 3 second

Nerd: LOOOOL NOOB! i poon at dota

Retard: Faggot host!

Game will start in 2 second

Retard has left the game

Pro: ffs.

Game will start in 1 second

See dota, sucks, naw, just, kidding


Defence of the Ancients

A Warcraft 3 map originally made by a guy calling himself Eul, who left the map to be edited by others.

The flow of new stuff coming to the latest, and most popular version of DotA, DotA Allstars has been rather slow lately, but still many people play this map, both in public games and in private clan games. It is not hard to find a DotA game with players of your own skill level.

What more can be said about DotA is that the word pawned is used in a way that makes people think that it's the same as pwnd, meaning owned. The word pwnd hardly comes from DotA though. Also shorts, like GG (meaning Good Game) and B (meaing pull back) are overused by some players.

DotA is fun, if you play it with the right person/people.

However, many people play DotA to annoy people that really want to play the map and have fun.

"An enemy has picked Goblin Techies"

Techies buy 6 Ironwood Branches and run to the middle of the map, dropping all of them. Then he runs towards the closest enemy tower, blowing himself up.

Player with Techies writes: "GG i leave, DotA is for n00bs!"

Player with Techies leaves the game.

See gg, b, y, noob, pro, l2p


Defense of the Ancients.

Most guys who play computer games, and in specific Warcraft 3, will be playing DotA.

It is a custom made map made by IceFrog.

A reason for a guy to leave his girlfriend for a bit. Generally, a bit equals to sixty minutes.

Kevin: "Dude.. Homework is a drag. Let's go DotA."


Vee: "Hahaha, so what're you doing?"

Kevin: "Hmm... Can I call you back in about ... sixty minutes?"

Vee:"... You're dota-ing aren't you."

See defense, of, the, ancients, unrequited, love


Dota is a custom map for warcraft III, the most popular version being DotA Allstars, which is for Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. DotA is a generally exciting game, with many comebacks, twists and turns. It is a hero based game, with each player controlling a single hero and working as a team to destroy the enemy team's base. This game does have a few problems however. One of the major problems is the high learning curve. It is extremely difficult to get good at the game, which scares many players away. The other problem is a lack of balance, although this has improved with recent versions. The problem with balance is that some heroes (which are randomly selected with the popular -ar mode) are generally better than others, causing in-game controversy over "stacked teams." Most of the criticisms of DotA are spawned from these problems, and most DotA haters are victims of these short comings. Another problem with DotA, one that can not be controlled by Ice Frog (the current maker of DotA Allstars), is that of laggers and leavers. Laggers, being people who have a slow internet connection, often make a game of DotA difficult, and generally no fun. That is why DotA players are so hard on them. Leavers ruin more games than anything else, though. A leaver is someone who leaves the game before it is over, mainly because they are losing, or something ridiculously unbalanced is going on. Some of the criticisms of DotA players themselves are that they spam, are too aggressive, and that they are arrogant. These stereotypes primarily come from people who have not played DotA enough to fully understand it. DotA players take their games seriously, so naturally when something that does not maximize their play time, or is ruining their game, they react in the only way they can. These reactions often appear to be excessive to people who are new to the game. All in all, DotA is a fun game that, once it is mastered, can be extremely fun, and even addictive.

Gamer 1: Dota is teh pwnage. Last night was great my team and I pwned these noobs so hard...

Gamer 2: Dude thats leet!

Me: OMFG I l<3ves me some DotAs!!!

My friend: Wtf is dota? Is it like a game or something?

See dota, pwn, computer, fun, internet


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