What is Double Cool With Knobs?


Used in England, instead of saying very very very very very very cool.

Omg, this is so totally awesome!

I know! It's like double cool with knobs!

See PeachyKeen


To be very very very cool; a shorter and cooler way to say 'very very very cool'

"Hey man, did you see the new Star Wars movie?"

"Yeah! It was double cool with knobs!"


very cool, expressing extreme coolness.. started with gay little english school girls, but there pussys so we took their word,..and..brought it to..america.

"These shoes that so happen to be covered in pink unicorns, are double cool with knobs


Used in midwestern United States mortuaries to describe long deceased but yet to be embalmed females.

The client on this gurney is double cool with knobs.

See embalmed, cool, knobs, females, deceased


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