What is Double Standard Defense?


A comeback used as a defense by insecure morons when confronted with criticism. Usually something to the like of "Let's see you do better!" or "I'd like to see YOU try!" Everyone's heard it before.

Customer: This food is terrible!

Cook: Hey, let's see you do better! double standard defense used here

Customer: Fuck off, I can criticize even if I can't do the same!

Animator: This animation is really bad. Why would you make it in MS Paint and Movie Maker?

Fanimator: Hey, let's see you do better! double standard defense

Animator: Ok. (uploads video)

Fanimator: uhh...crap I'm a moron.

Audiophile: Wow, modern rap is the worst thing ever.

Rap listener: Hey, let's see you rap better! double standard defense

Audiophile: No.

Rap listener: Oh. Ok.

See critic, criticism, critique, comeback, defense


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