What is Double Take?
giving something/someone a second glance, after initially taking notice the first time.
I did a double take when I walked past Britney in the hallway....sweetness!
When you do a
Often due to surprise at what you *thought* you saw, but you desire a second glance.
"Lose Control" by Missy Elliot. (It asked for an example. This is not my favorite song.)
"I’ve got a cute face
Chubby waist
Thick legs in shape
Rump shakin’ both ways
Make you do a double take"
When your MySpace picture is the same as your Facebook picture.
I was so confused, should I comment the MySpace picture or should I comment the Facebook picture, it was mammoth Double Take.
The act of taking a wet, crusty, pain in the ass to wipe shit ( so bad that your ass bleeds ). Upon finishing the tough task of wiping you suddenly realize you have to drop another. This second shit causes more bleeding. During the wiping of this shit the pain is unbearable and you wipe more blood then shit.
Opposite of the perfect poop
Now thats a sick bastard!!