What is Double-l?
Pseudonym for an incompetent colleague initialed as L.L. The colleague often adorns himself in spandex, departs the workplace at 4:00 p.m. after arriving at 11:00 a.m., and incessantly complains about being overworked whilst shirking his duties to self-stimulate.
1. Do you take the over or under that the Double-L will show up before 10:30?
2. The WWE Superstahhhhhhrrrrrr Double-L called in "sick" again. He probably had a late night fondling his man-wang.
LLES = Lower Lower East Side -- the area in Manhattan below Delancy and east of Bowery that is a mish mash of Chinese, Hasidic Jews, Project people and creeping hipsters
Visitor: "That Grand Street stop smells like garbage."
Resident: "You learn to love it when you live in the double-L...it smells like home."