
What is Douche-a-louche?


1. The ultimate “loser"

2. Someone who is not only massively brain dead so much so that the very thought of them is so foul and putrid that it reminds you of vaginal cleansing, but also very frightening and creepy in the most corny way possible.

3. A person of this nature should be avoided at all costs.

What a douche-a-louche ! This guy I’m seeing texted me that I should come over because he’s wearing a Mexican Sombrero and nothing else!

See loser, shady, douchebag, cheeseball, foul, dumb, retarded, louche, douche


1. The ultimate “loser"

2. Someone who is not only massively brain dead so much so that the very thought of them is so foul and putrid that it reminds you of vaginal cleansing, but also very frightening and creepy in the most corny way possible.

3. A person of this nature should be avoided at all costs.

Friend 1 – "This guy I’m seeing is such a douche-a-louche, he texted me that I should come over because he’s wearing a Mexican Sombrero and nothing else!"

Friend 2 – "Wow! Please never speak to him again!"

See douche bag, dbag, louche, shadeball, creep, loser, scary, foul, smelly


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