
What is Douche-bagula?


1. The most supreme form of a douchebag, this person's douchebaggery know's no bounds

2. ANYONE who watched, liked, or talked about in a good way, failed hard movie Twilight

3. See definition #2

4. Any Mexican who's named Jose Paublo Miranda

5. Anyone who likes vampire movies is not a douche-bagula, unless you like Twilight

6. Anyone who doesn't use the term "Cockass"

7. All Jews :)

1. The 10 year old girl who was waiting on the red carpet, while the star of the male vampire of the suck-ass movie Twilight screaming "Bite me, bite me" is a douche-bagula

2. Anyone of Jew-ish descent is a douche-bagula

3. Because Jose Paublo Miranda pussies out on so many things, he is the ultimate douche-bagula

See vagina, douche, bag, douchebag, douchebaggery, vampire, twilight, jew, reptilian, frog, youtube, lesbian, ass face, yahoo, lemons, deer, meat, five, finger, death, punch, conversation, fuck, you, face, jesus, god, religion, virgin, tv, tivo, fagula, dracula, vampires, little girl, -, in, dont, put, that, there, typing, machine, he, is, at, under, the, tree, ugly, normal, apple juice, bed, kinda, tired, gay, tony, tiger, lucky, charms, rape, sex, sexy, molestation, mass, murder, masturbation, lube, anal, master chief, sick, minded, vine, wine, hate, love, anger, happy, envy, my, momma, said, life, like, a, box, of, shit, it, all, when, hits, fan, hide, behind, what, ever, therefore, cockass


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