
What is Douchehole?


A slang, joking insult used for humor, a simple combination of douchebag and asshole.

Our president is a complete douchehole!

See asshole, douchebag, douche, buttmunch, moron, dumbass


douche + asshole. thereby, making the person in question, more of a douche and an asshole at the same time. generally used with people who just drive you crazy and calling them anything else just seems too little. it was invented for frank lampard.

That Frank Lampard is such a douchehole.

See douche, asshole, bastard, wanker, jerkoff


Another word for pussy. Usually randomly sputtered out when no other insult comes to mind.

guy: Dude you're such a douchehole

dude: What?

See douchehole, douche, hole, person, giggity


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