What is Douchetacular?
When someone truly exemplifies the true nature of a douchebag. They must stand out from the crowd to the extent tht they could be in a crowd of douchers and you will stay say, "wow that guys is a douchebag". Now there is a name to describe that man ... douchetacular! For those that dont know what a douchebag is here is a deinition:
the scientific name for schmucks who roll up in public wearing wife-beaters or oversized jeans. Can also be found wearing sunglasses in nightclubs and/or sun-visors on backwards and upside down. These people should be drug outside and shot in the stomach, then used as speed bumps to prevent any neon-toting lowrider crap-mobiles from infesting the neighborhood and lowering property values.
The King's of Leon were douchetacular when they were talking about the extent of their fame on The Hour