What is Dovid?
Dovid is the real name for King David, a hebrew name meaning "beloved", or one who is loved.
I am Dovid, hear me roar!
1. When someone says something that sounds really
2. When someone says something other than what they meant to, resulting in something that sounds really dirty.
Dovids often emanate from my good friend David, and were named by me. The name "Dovid" in particular comes from a comedy routine I saw once.
Some historical Dovids:
1. I was attacked by a whole bunch of guys, but I beat 'em off.
1. Friend A (trying to teach me how to talk like the
Overmind : No, it's suupsed to come from way down in your throat.
David: Yeah, that's why they call it "deep throat".
2. Ever get that feeling of
menage a trois ?