
What is Dower?


A variation of Downer.

A person that does things the hardest way possible. Dowers tend not to be able to speak properly, using sentences such as "You can't even speech well". Dowers will not let lame jokes die, no matter how much they wish it to die. Dowers generally support each other no matter how stupid they think the other Dower to be. Dowerness IS contagious. Do take care & avoid contact with Dowers at all times.

He's such a Dower! The poor bastard.....

See downer, downers, drainer, drainers


The act of taking a "dip" or "chew" while in the shower.

Normally people just spit their tobacco spit into the drain.

I took a dipshit and then i kept it in my mouth and hopped in the shower for a dower

See dip, chew, tobacco, shower, dipping, chaw, lip, skoal, spit


A variation of Downer.

A person that does things the hardest way possible. Dowers tend not to be able to speak properly, using sentences such as "You can't even speech well". Dowers will not let lame jokes die, no matter how much they wish it to die. Dowers generally support each other no matter how stupid they think the other Dower to be. Dowerness IS contagious. Do take care & avoid contact with Dowers at all times.

He's such a Dower! The poor bastard.....

See downer, drainer, drainers, downers


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