Dragon Ball Z

What is Dragon Ball Z?


A japanese animation that is a plague for most otakuout there because of its overwelming popularity in the younger age groups.

These preteens cannot type their insults toward possible DBZ-haters properly without adding random misspelled cusswords when trying to defend how a fighting anime can run for about fifty episodes before someone enrages themselves with power so much that it's surprising that someone doesn't explode from their muscles overtaking their head.

"Oh my god the veins on that guy! He must be on steriods...and...drugs from flying around when he's...glowy? What the hell is this show?"


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HAAAAAA---oh shit he's coming before I can pop off this attack! Wait until the last minute before sending it off...!

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Extremely popular manga and anime show, somewhat despised by some american (and japansese) audience, yet still very popular worldwide. The series is the later half of the manga and anime series Dragon Ball. It revolved around Son Goku and his sons/allies in many battles to save earth/the galaxy/the universe. It rose to popularity from cartoon networks largely edited adaptation in the early 2000s. Some people criticize it because of the anime's large amounts of filler, which would slow down the pace of the series dramatically. However, the manga was extremely concise. in fact, 3 anime episodes were sometimes adapted from a single manga issue. Many critics do not understand this, resulting in large amounts of criticizm and hatred. In America it became the first taste of Anime for some people, and therefore can be considered a groundbreaking anime here.

Dragon Ball Z is hated by some people, however, many gripes about the series are superfluous in the face of a well made series.

See dbz, dragon ball, goku


a good show that keeps on making new parts and the good guys always win

if we do not watch dbz i will kill you


a fairly good anime show which most people only see one single episode of it, where it's in the middle of a long story, so people don't understand it a single bit, and don't seem to understand what the hell is going on. So like all idiots of our time, they resort to hating it and calling it gay. Becuase their vocabulary is so utterly tiny they can't raise themselves to a higher level of intellect. Although I'll admit, I like GT a bit better But still a good show all the same.

Usually given a bad name by people who call it gay because they've only seen the show once, or special ED kids who run around school all day saying "Ka-meh-ha-meh-HA!" and flapping their arms around.


a great show that is horribly overrated and thus is loved by geeks nerds and small children evrywhere, giving it a very bad reputation amongst other people, when in reality, its a pretty allright show.

"i was watching draqgon ball z and it was awesome"

See jim


anime, great in jap w/swearing and blood ('xept high pitch male voices!) but crap once edited by gay tv fag assholes

See cracker jack


one of the best mangas ever to make it in america!! notice i said manga becuase the anime cartoon was alright.. It follows the series known as Dragon Ball created by Akira Toryama a popular manga artist living in Japan..

Dragon Ball Z like most manga/anime is hated by boring people usually Americans who have no imagination or creativity..these americans usually dont read..act or think they are "GROWN MEN" or GROWN UP becuase they are past the age of 18...they stress themselves out over their minimum wage job everyday because thats their future(see SQUARE or NO LIFE)

Dragon ball Z has the BUU saga

Dragon ball z is know as just Dragon Ball in Japan.

See goku, vegeta, manga, anime


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