
What is Dragunov?


Caliber: Russian 7.62x54mm Rimmed

Operation: gas operated, short stroke, rotating bolt; semi-automatic

Capacity: 10 round detachable box magazine

Weight: 4.31kg empty with telescope

Length: 1225 mm

Barrel Length: 620 mm

Max Rate of Fire: 30 RPM

Aimed Rate of Fire: 3-5 RPM

Scope Type: PSO-1 with illuminated reticle

Accuracy: less than 2MOA at 600m

SVD was designed not as a standart sniper rifle. In fact, main role of the SVD ir Soviet / Russian Army is to extend effective range of fire of every infantry squad up to 600 meters and to provide special fire support. SVD is a lightweight and quite accurate (for it's class) rifle, cabable of semi-auto fire. First request for new sniper rifle was issued in 1958. In 1963 SVD (Snaiperskaya Vintovka Dragunova, or Dragunov Sniper Rifle) was accepted by Soviet Military. SVD can use any kind of standart 7.62x54R ammo, but primary round is specially developed for SVD sniper-grade cartridge with steel-core bullet. Every infantry squad in the Russian (Soviet) army had one man with SVD.

SVD is extremely reliable in all conditions, and designed for heavy battles. It has backup ajustable iron sights as a standart option, as well as a bayonet mount (standart AK-47 bayonet type).

Latest modernisation incorporate rugged polymer stock. Also, for mounted and airborne troops developed variant with folding buttsock and shortened barrel (590 mm). New flash hider/muzzle brake also installed.

All modifications of SVD passed many real battle tests during Afghan war as well as many other local conflicts, including latest Chechen wars. SVD was widely used and copied across the former Warshaw pact countries and still in service with Russian Army and many Russian Law Enforcement agencies (as well in oter CIS countries).

I be poppin muthafuckas with the Dragunov

See AC


Leader of the King's Royal Rifles.

<Dragunov> w00teh!!!!! xD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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