What is Drater?
First documented on IRC in the late 1990's, drater is "Retard" spelled backwards.
Everyone on #doom is a total drater.
retard, complete idiot (retard backwards)
"one who spits into the wind, or eats yellow snow-is by far the drater of all draters"
an idiot
And the old woman's last words were, "He who puts his hand on the burner is a true drater..." and then she died, leaving her grandchildren the mystery of figuring out what a drater is.
1. A disparaging term describing one who impedes; hinders; obstructs; detains; delays; procrastinates; postpones; defers.
2. A slang term referring to a friend, meaning “brother,”or“homedawg”
3. A term used sarcastically to insult one’s peer
1. Wow could you go any slower you drater!
2. Yo, yo What's up you drater!
3. Good going...DRATER!
Don't worry about it.
I am drater n00bs!