What is Drc?
Digital Reality Crew - international on-line community established in December, 1998, also known as Quake 3 Arena clan.
DRC is designed to make a quick way to fix forum trolls. Instead of leading them on, just say
Totally confuses them, and works as a good flag for moderators.
The origin of the letter R was originally a person's initial, but since then the acronym has been adapted for larger audiences.
(Unidentified commenter) says:
"Okay, can we stick to one thread please? I got a growing arthritis.. I don't want anything worse.
Didn't you read my status earlier? I'm a Fascist against the Monarchy. But I think I was Liberal Rightist and Fascist Left winger. I forget."
(Cooler commenter) says:
1. it is the process of misstyping "sex" on a computer keyboard; and
2. the act of fucking.
"you wanna cyber-drc?"
"... oops, i meant cyber-sex"