Dress Code

What is Dress Code?


a schools cheap alternative to uniforms, because even though they make u wear no jeans and collared shirts, everyones still acts even dumber than they have before.

our school has no logic at all. first they eliminate half days, then they waste their millage money on a tennis court that they dont even need they replace all of the good carbonated drinks with faygo, and now a complicated dress code that isnt gonna change our test scores or behavior. we're better off with uniforms (but our school also does not know how to manage money correctly)


Guys dress code for a strip club, Halloween, or Las Vegas:

1. Pants

2. Wallet containing cash

Girls dress code for a strip club, Halloween, or Las Vegas:

1. Heels

2. short skirt (no panties)

3. Top showing excessive cleavage

Girls dress code when greater than 200lbs:

1. GIANT burlap sack.

2. Flower print Moo-Moo

Door Guy: "Excuse me Ma'am, but we have a policy at this club that does not permit chicks as hot as you to enter while wearing dress slacks, It is against our dress code. Please go home and either change into something slutty OR become 40 years older. Your fat friend my enter but only if she puts on a giant burlap sack to disguise her as a mountain of potatoes, we do not want to scare the other patrons. You may purchase a burlap sack from us for $15"

See dress code, girl, hot, vegas, strip club, halloween, sonia


When someone dress nice, they alway dress good r most times they be dressin good, alway matchin alway look clean

Dayum that nigga got a dress code


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