Drive By Media

What is Drive By Media?


Media which consistantly reports news that is not accurate or is intentionally distorted.

1.I have "independent" and "private" sources that have told me directly that they had personally seen George W. Bush deliver dynamite to the Levees and blow them up during hurricane Katrina,to kill all the africans in New Orleans. This is Honky Whiteman reporting live for Drive By Media News.

See reader


The American media that distorts the news into propaganda, in order to get high ratings. The drive-by media has told us: blacks were denied the right to vote in Florida during the 2000 election, that New Orleans floods after/during hurricane Katrina resulted from white people blowing up levees to destroy black neighborhoods, that 9-1-1 was a government conspiracy and an “inside “job”, that Bush “lied” about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction just so he could invade Iraq and make amends for his father’s war, that global warming is going to exterminate human beings from the earth, that the war in Iraq is only for oil, and that bigger government is the answer to improving your life. Basically, the drive-by media specializes in brainwashing and charcater assassination.

The drive by media specializes in distortions of the facts in the name of "ratings." The funny thing is that many people are nieve and believe what they are told.

See lies, ratings, media, newspaper, magazines, news, liberalism, krock1dk


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