
What is D.r.k?


D.R.K stands for Dirty Rat Kid. One who somewhat looks like a scene kid with long straightened hair but dirty in a sense of abusing weed and other drugs frequently. There are many different types of ways D.R.K's can look like. D.R.K's also do not do well in school.

Mainly used as an offensive word, to make fun of.

That kid's a fucking D.R.K!

See nasty, dirty, disgusting, dumbfuck


D.R.K stands for Dirty Rat Kid. One who somewhat looks like a scene kid with long straightened hair but dirty in a sense of abusing weed and other drugs frequently. There are many different types of ways D.R.K's can look like. D.R.K's also do not do well in school.

Mainly used as an offensive word, to make fun of.

That kid's a fucking D.R.K!

See nasty, dirty, disgusting, dumbfuck


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