What is Drop A Thrice?
The act of dropping a thrice is the most complete, enlightening form of shit known to man. It has been called 'shitting your guts out', 'shitting out a lung' or other such terms, but the thrice holds a place in all our hearts. The thrice, like its close cousin, the deuce, requires more than one flush to evacuate. It is however most effective in public facilities. A thrice is usually a leg numbing experience and it can shock many first timers. The thrice is not a shit to be taken lightly. Users should be well versed in its usage before it is taken public. Thrices wait for no man. They have a tendency to interrupt fancy diners with a member of the opposite sex, said person's family, meetings with a superior, gaming sessions. A thrice can and will creep up on you at any give time. It should be made clear that a thrice needs to be at the top of one's priorities when it comes to such events. A thrice should be evacuated by no less than three flushes, however exceptions can be made. If you, yourself, require a
"Dude, i just deuced it hardcore in your bathroom!"
"Hahahaha your funny, cuz i just dropped a thrice in your bathroom"
"Aww, fuck dude you didnt?"
"No I didnt. I wanted to drop a thrice, but I couldnt find the handle so its all festering in there."
*pukes*"aww fuckin shit dude'